22 Dec 2021

The complete epic series of Hamlet Prince of Zoomers is now available on Channel Glenwood. This fantastic Hamlet Zoom is a one-of-a-kind readers theatre featuring the amazing young actors of The Glenwood Shakespeare Company.
But the Hamlet Prince of Zoom journey is not over!
Beginning this week, we have a series of Special Features coming online. Over the coming weeks and months, you will see:
- Audio commentaries with the actors and teacher providing insights and fun anecdotes about the production.
- Italian version featuring subtitles and text in Italian, thanks to Italian children theatre educator Emanuela Laura
- Versione italiana con sottotitoli e testo in italiano, grazie all'educatrice italiana di teatro per bambini Emanuela Laura
- Plain English subtitles for students just getting into Shakespeare
This is a great introduction the Shakespeare to any student, and certainly the best Hamlet Zoom performed by kids on the net! Head over to the Hamlet Prince of Zoom playlist on Channel Glenwood and while there, check out the other amazing Shakespeare productions available!