A magnificent nine-episode web series, Hamlet Prince of Zoomers is Glenwood Public School’s response to the trials and tribulations of the pandemic. Keeping its rich tradition of movie-making and Shakespeare alive in troubling times, Hamlet Prince of Zoomers presents William Shakespeare’s play with a 2020/2021 spin – in the style of a video conference.
The actors, being Gen Z or “Zoomers”, offer their talents as zoomers know all too well – in a Zoom-style reading! These amazing young actors bring their unique personalities to the reading, with a script sourced from Shakespeare, Glenwood’s 1994 production, and A Thirty Minute Hamlet by Bill Tordoff.
Past student Glenwood Shakespeare Company actors will recognise many props and costumes from their original production, including the king’s cape, crown, queen’s throne and the (spoilers!!!) fatal container of drink for the fencing match.
This is a fantastic, energetic and sincere adaptation showing the talent of public school students, as well as their resilience is trying times. As always, they have not only risen to the occasion but soared!
Keep returning to this site for more episodes, plus other special features!